Trey, as usual, had an amazing game last night! The radio announcers always have nice things to say about him, and last night I thought I would write down some of what they had to say, so that all of you could enjoy their thoughts.
"If you have not seen Trey
Welch play, you have cheated yourself.
HE IS GOOD!!!""Trey really came to play tonight!"
Welch is the best player on this football team!"
Welch is "darn good!"
"Who leads the charge? Trey
Welch" (referring to the defense)
We are all so proud of you Trey! You have had one heck of a season! I am so glad we could see you play in a couple of games and that we have the technology that we do, so that I could enjoy the ones I couldn't be at also! You rock! Keep up the good work and kick some derriere in Hutchinson! We love you!