Friday, March 14, 2008

Bionic Woman

Here I am set to explore my the world with my new hip. Fancy that, I have the biggest and the smallest bones in my body replaced, thus a bionic woman! haha. I really want to thank you guys for all the love and support you have given me.

From the big city of Minneapolis what a great hospital bag (I ate the licorice early) The socks were so warm and I've worn them so much! You cheered me with your phone calls and wonderful emails and loving support so far away. -
THANK YOU! Patty and Eric

To the Sweet 4+ messages from Memphis, the checking in on me, worrying about me and
always dealing with my stress levels so well. Also I must say the best broadway version of 'Tomorrow' and 'I am a child of God' sung to me while I was still a bit drugged but I remember that moment so very clearly:) -
THANK YOU! Moore 4+

For all the trips to and from Provo to help me by being there at the hospital with me to get me into surgery, doing laundry, bringing milk shakes and moving me from the hotel (especially dealing with the hotel points crisis in such a wonderful way using that big smile) to Ogden and always those great smiles -
THANK YOU! MaryRose and Adam

Never will I forget the hospitality of you Ogden dwellers who have given up their space for me to recover plus feeding me and keeping me entertained driving me around, checking in on me, visiting me and fielding questions. It meant so much having you there to give me a lymph massage before surgery, and for all the encouragement and understanding (even during the puke night;)-
THANK YOU! Katchie and Jeff

Plus the flowers, food, care and concern shown by Jeff's parents has meant a lot to me and of course if it wasn't for Jill I may have chickened out so- THANK YOU!

Elder Bubba has been so supportive and I know his prayers and encouragement were helping me not back out and for his sweet blessing before he went into the MTC-
THANK YOU! Elder Bubba

To the strong you man in Marshall who has had to be on his own far more than he should but has done it with out complaining and has still kept up seminary and good grades-

To the dad who took off work, tried so hard not to give me his cold and got me settled with food and medicine, plus working so hard to get the insurance crisis to work out and supported me so much while he was here
(and is paying the bills;) - THANK YOU! Tracy

Thank you all so much for being such a caring Family,
For the hospital visits, cards and phone calls remember
I love you with all my heart and soul.
Now start training so we can do a 5k walk. ;)


Brent and Mary Rose said...

You are so welcome! You know we would all do it again and again for you in a heartbeat Momma! You deserve it all! You are so strong! We sure do love you!!

Hair Goddess said...

Of course Mama! We love having you!!!!! and Love you SO much!

mamasteph said...

We wish we were there to do more! Just know you are always in our thoughts and prayers and we can't wait to see you! We love you so much! Always remember how awesome you are!

The Bombic said...

We wish we could have been there also, but I'm glad you felt our love and positive vibes. We are so proud of you for going through with it and are impressed at how quickly you've been able to get up and about. Love you!
P.S. We are definitely in for a 5K walk!

Biggie T said...

I'm so proud or your courage to have this surgery. You are an awesome woman! I know the recovery from anesthesia has been rough but know that not having to live with the hip pain will be worth it. I knew I married a superwoman - the hardest bones the doctor had ever seen! I wish I was there to help take care of you but know you've rasied two great girls who would do anything for you. I appreciate their willingness to help out and know you'll be walking without a walker or cane in no time.