Monday, August 21, 2006


Phew! We have finally decided upon a date and we are sticking to it! Hopefully December 27th is ok for everyone and we hope it will be less stressful! There is still tons to do but we are getting more and more excited every day! We created a webpage (lol more like I, Adam has some revisions in mind :) ) to keep everyone updated on the news and as that page gets updated I will post on here to let you know! The site is RoseWelch&AdamAdams. I'm hoping it will help with everyone knowing what is going on because I am not the best at communicating! :) Life is crazy but thats the way I like it! I miss all you Minnesotans and am excited to see y'all next week! Go Tigers!! Love you all tons!


M {3 said...

Hooray, I am so glad you posted! Let me know what i can do... I HATE being so far away when things like this are happening. I<3u tons, love, M<3

The Bombic said...

It will be great to see you guys when you're out here. Maybe we'll have to go to the state fair! :) Your webpage is really cute - keep me posted. Love ya!

Biggie T said...

Your wedding website looks really cool. Now we just need to decide on a place and a couple of other small details.

I can't wait to see you next week too!